I am working on catching up on Elder Harris's blog. This email was from May 4th.
I really love hearing how much he is progressing.The best part of his email was the anticipation of the Mother's Day call!!! YAY!
He talks about the Atonement in this email and I want to tell you that I know that the Atonement is the greatest gift we have.It helps us in EVERY aspect of our lives. Too many people think that Atonement is solely for sin and that is just not true. The Atonement is so much more.
Jorvik talks about two scriptures and I will tell you more about them after you read his email:So this week has been interesting. We did a lot of service this week. One of the days we took out a fence, and were breaking up the cement foundation with a sledgehammer you could say I felt like a boss lol. This week was transfer week and I am staying in Chino with my trainer. I am done with 12 week training!!!! Woot woot I am so old now hahaha.
So with Elder Plymell and I we sat down to do transfer goals. I realized this past couple of weeks that the mission is of course to help invite others to come unto Christ, but it also allows you to find yourself and give you a chance to be away from everyone as personally you start to build the person that you would want to be. And that is exactly how and what I am now focusing on. The talk by President Uchtdorf on being a genuine disciple of Christ really kick started me self examining myself.
So happy late Birthday Sandi!!
And it is soon Mother's Day! Which means I get to call home! So I will be at my ward mission leader's home at 1p.m. on Sunday (MY TIME) to call! I will try to use google hangout, but you are probably going to have to call me because I don't know how to work the dang thing. I only know how to accept calls. I emailed Jake about it also I am going to try and get Cameron because he takes off to the MTC pretty soon and would like to see him too!
I miss you guys so much! Love you guys and keep up the good work! I never realized how amazing Mosiah chapter 3 is. I have learned so much about the Atonement and how vital it is as missionaries and us using it every single day.
Also we have been going around at members homes and giving messages on Family Home Evening. We have seen so many families start to fall apart due to not being united. And that is the idea of having FHE. So please make sure you guys are doing so! I know schedules are busy but it is
important to be together. D&C 31:2.
Anyways love you guys!
Much Love,
Elder Harris
Elder Jorvik Ty Harris
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Mosiah Chapter 3 in the Book of Mormon is King Benjamin's address. Here is a link:
Here is a good take away from that Chapter:
“But King Benjamin, who understood as well as any mortal what it meant to be a man of strength and courage, makes it clear that to be like a child is not to be childish. It is to be like the Savior, who prayed to His Father for strength to be able to do His will and then did it. Our natures must be changed to become as a child to gain the strength we must have to be safe in the times of moral peril. …
“We are safe on the rock which is the Savior when we have yielded in faith in Him, have responded to the Holy Spirit’s direction to keep the commandments long enough and faithfully enough that the power of the Atonement has changed our hearts. When we have, by that experience, become as a child in our capacity to love and obey, we are on the sure foundation.
“From King Benjamin we learn what we can do to take us to that safe place. But remember: the things we do are the means, not the end we seek. What we do allows the Atonement of Jesus Christ to change us into what we must be. Our faith in Jesus Christ brings us to repentance and to keeping His commandments. We obey and we resist temptation by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost. In time our natures will change. We will become as a little child, obedient to God and more loving. That change, if we do all we must to keep it, will qualify us to enjoy the gifts which come through the Holy Ghost. Then we will be safe on the only sure rock” (in Conference Report, Apr. 2006, 14–15; or Ensign, May 2006, 15–16).
Then Jorvik spoke about Family Home Evening. I am grateful that we have honored Family Home Evening in our home. It has blessed us tremendously. In a time when families are under attack and they are so busy that they do not spend a lot of time together - FHE is the best! All of that ties to the last scripture he shared....D&C 31:2.
2 Behold, you have had many afflictions because of your family; nevertheless, I will bless you and your family, yea, your little ones; and the day cometh that they will believe and know the truth and be one with you in my church.
“The great work of every man is … to create and perfect an eternal family unit. … Salvation is a family affair.” (Bruce R. McConkie, in Conference Report, Apr. 1970, pp.
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